Jenny Cassibry Fisher, RVT, VTS (Oncology)
Jenny Cassibry Fisher's Credentials
VTS (SAIM-oncology)
Associates Veterinary Technology, Northwestern State University of Louisiana

About Jenny Cassibry Fisher
Jenny Fisher has worked in veterinary medicine in some regard for over 30 years, receiving her RVT in 2001 and her VTS (SAIM-oncology) in 2015.
Her clinical experience includes academia, general medicine, and emergency medicine.
Jenny spent 14 years as the head oncology technician at LSU veterinary teaching hospital cancer treatment unit, working in the clinic as a medical and radiation oncology technician. Her teaching credentials include lecturing on the regional and national level, teaching fourth-year veterinary students, and lecturing at multiple veterinary technology programs.
Her main clinical interests include radiation therapy patient positioning, chemotherapy and radiation safety, paraneoplastic syndromes, and integrative medicine.
Currently, Jenny serves as the president-elect for the Academy of Internal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians (AIMVT) and is an active member of the Veterinary Cancer Society (VCS). Jenny works as the director of education for PractiVet and as a consultant for many private practices and universities in their oncology departments.
Stella came into my life after the loss of another heart dog. She spent day in and day out by my side as I learned to love again. At 3 years old, Stella was diagnosed with ARVC and given a poor prognosis. Today, at 7.5 she has fought through two episodes of heart failure. She is the dog with the broken heart that healed mine.