EPISODE 210 | RELEASED April 3, 2023

Dog Cancer True Tail: Golden Retriever Hero Indy | Kim Peri & Dr. Mike Lappin

Indy the Golden Retriever was part of the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study, bringing us another step closer to solving the cancer puzzle. Oh, and he surfed.


Kim Peri is a Golden Retriever lover with a passion for philanthropy and paying it forward. Dr. Mike Lappin is a veterinarian with Goldens and determination to better the health of his breed. How did they meet? Because of Indy the Golden, and an Eagles concert.

Listen in to hear what it is like to be involved in the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study as a dog lover and as a veterinarian, as well as some of the things that we have learned so far. The study is ongoing – originally it was going to end when 500 of the enrolled Goldens had been diagnosed with cancer, but it has now been extended to follow all of the enrolled Goldens for their entire lives.

Unfortunately, Indy is one of the Golden Heroes who died of cancer. But the blood work and surveys that he and the other Goldens have contributed are giving researchers lots of information to identify environmental and genetic risk factors for cancer.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Show:

Morris Animal Foundation’s Dog Cancer Research podcast episode: https://www.dogcancer.com/podcast/trials-and-research/morris-animal-foundations-dog-cancer-research-dr-janet-patterson-kane-deep-dive/

Golden Retriever Lifetime Study: https://www.morrisanimalfoundation.org/golden-retriever-lifetime-study

Golden Retriever DNA Repository: https://grca.org/about-the-breed/health-research/dna-repository/

OFA DNA Repository: https://ofa.org/about/dna-repository/

The Golden Retriever Foundation: https://goldenretrieverfoundation.org/GRF/

Canine Valley Fever Project: http://www.caninevalleyfeverproject.com/

PetDx Clinical Studies: https://petdx.com/clinical-studies/

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