Tripawds: Community Forum & Help for Three Legged Dogs

This amazing site offers lots of help for three-legged dogs. A must-join for anyone who is facing osteosarcoma or amputation.

Tripawds: Community Forum & Help for Three Legged Dogs

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If you and your dog are facing an amputation, or have just gone through one, you need to join Tripawds, the community website for three legged dogs and cats.

Dogs dealing with osteosarcoma or any other cancer that may require an amputation can be helped by this incredible community. Their free library of resources is fantastic, their discussion forums are invaluable, and their general optimistic, supportive attitude is heaven-sent.

They make gear recommendations, review books, and generally make life easier (and more reassuring) for anyone dealing with amputation. They even have a toll-free support helpline.

And if you want to contribute to a charity in memory of your own pup, their foundation is a great way to help others in need.

Be Well,


A photo of Molly Jacobson smiling

Molly Jacobson

Molly Jacobson is a writer and the editor of The Dog Cancer Survival Guide. She also hosts the podcast Dog Cancer Answers. A lifelong dog lover and self-professed dog health nerd, she is all too familiar with dog cancer. She has been supporting dog lovers coping with cancer since 2008. Molly earned a BA from Tufts University, and after a career in bookselling and book publishing attended The Swedish Institute to become a licensed massage therapist in New York State, licensed by the medical board. She loves explaining medical topics with care easy-going language.



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